Trained at the Arthur Findlay College (London), the world’s foremost college of Mediumship, and by the world renowned medium Late Mavis Pittilla (a pioneer and titan for spiritualism), the ability I have is to make contact with loved ones who have passed to spirit. That contact can be through one or more of the following senses - seeing, hearing, feeling or just knowing. The second faculty, commonly known as the psychic dimension, is my ability to read you – and that’s looking at the auric field, the chakras and the energy fields. It gives me an opportunity to see the Architect’s plan of the soul – not the conscious mind, but of the soul and sometimes the two can be very different.
I use Ancient Astrology as a way of looking at the map of one’s life to come and use its advanced timing techniques to identify highs, lows, peaks and plateaus in specific areas of one’s life. A reading with me is a three-way process involving the spirit world, the medium and you.
I also hold the STA’s Practitioners Level Certification in Horary and the STA’s Advanced Level Horary Diploma. Horary is the art of answering an important / direct question of yours using the planets (and spirit) as a navigation tool and allows me to offer you a great level of clarity around anything on your mind.